Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara
Acum vezi arhiva reprezentației din:
November 20, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (Season 2024-2025)
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Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 7:30 p.m.-9:20 p.m., in the German Theatre Hall

The Theater

By Pascal Rambert –– Direction: Pascal Rambert (a. G.)
Co-production with the French Institute in Romania at Timisoara
Attention: Stroboscopic effects are used in this performance.

Duration of the performance: 1h50'
Surtitles: RO/EN
Age limit: 14+

The play was written in just a few months, while Pascal Rambert was staging simultaneously on several continents. As the author points out, it is a fiction, even if the actors and actresses of the GSTT provided the material for it: memories, experiences, dreams. Mostly these were linked to the profession, because the stage is the centre of life. One bulrush should be pronounced here: theatre, like other artistic pursuits, cannot be done on the side. Seen in this light, everyone shares the experience that there are no boundaries between life on stage and the supposedly private. At the same time, however, this unites them and makes theatre a family affair in a certain sense. All the more so when, as in the case of the GSTT, the middle and younger generations have passed through the hands of the older ones. Looking back on the 70 years of existence of the GSTT, one realises that the history of this German stage in the east of Central Europe, which basically goes back to the 18th century and has had a lot of ups and downs, remains as fragile as it is worth to be protected. Pascal Rambert succeeds in showing the GSTT as a dream ship on which everyone has remained true to the same idea.

Attention: Stroboscopic effects are used in this performance.

Surtitles: RO/EN

Age limit: 14+ 

Premiere: September 14, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 01:50


Iris, actress
Ida Jarcsek-Gaza

Julia, actress
Isolde Cobeţ

Sofia, actress
Ioana Iacob

Boris, writer, director
Boris Gaza

Sascha, Sophia's brother
Alexandru Mihăescu

Otto, technical manager
Franz Kattesch

Lea, Sophia's friend
Oana Vidoni

Daniela, Sophia's friend
Daniela Török

Maria, writer
Silvia Török

Ria, activist
Olga Török

Daniel, hired hand
Daniel Ghidel

Raoul, DJ
Radu Brănici (a.G.)

Ava, student
Alma Diaconu

Bernd, car dealer
Bülent Özdil

Simona, assistant
Simona Vintilă

Rüdiger, manager
Rareș Hontzu

Esther, actress
Tatiana Sessler-Toami

Fritz, actor
Yannick Becker

Aida, actress
Aida Olaru

Anne Marie, actress
Enikő Blénessy

Heini, actor
Harald Weisz

Ina, actress
Isa Berger

Vanessa Ungermann, actress
Dana Borteanu

Sven, actor
Marc Illich

Rocco, Actor
Richard Hladik

Teddy, Actor
Robert Bogdanov-Schein

Nina, Sophia's daughter
Ana Micotă (a.G.)
Pascal Rambert (a.G.)

Sets and Costumes
Pascal Rambert (a.G.)

Rudolf Herbert

Stage Speech
Ulrike Schulze (a.G. aus Deutschland)

Project Assistance
Anabella Costache

Bojita Ilici

Technical Direction
Costinel Stănescu
Ovidiu Radu

Press excerpts



