Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara
Acum vezi arhiva reprezentației din:
November 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (Season 2024-2025)
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Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m.-9:15 p.m., in the German Theatre hall


by Herta Müller –– Directed by Niky Wolcz

Adaptation: Niky Wolcz, Valerie Seufert, Ulla Wolcz

Nadirs is a collection of short stories written by Banat born writer Herta Müller. The German State Theatre Timişoara presents the absolute premiere of the staging of one of the author's texts. At an age of maturity, the narrator remembers her childhood in Niţchidorf, her school years, the Sundays at the church, the dances and then the soirees and city experiences. She passes once more through the stations of those times and brings back to life characters from the past. She relives her own childhood fears, the arguments between her parents and the petty daily shams of the villagers by portraying them from a subjective perspective that is lacking in neither warmth nor humour.

Premiere: September 29, 2012, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 01:45


The Narrator
Isa Berger

Radu Brănici (a.G.)

The Narrator as a Kid
Mina Șelariu (a.G.)

The Mother
Ioana Iacob

The Father
Alexandru Mihăescu

The Grandmother
Ida Jarcsek-Gaza

The Grandfather
Franz Kattesch

The Aunt
Enikő Blénessy

Daniela Török

The Great-Grandmother / A Neighbor / A schoolgirl
Simona Vintilă

The Great-Grandfather / A Neighbor
Daniel Ghidel

The Shadow Man / The Man with the Matchbox
Harald Weisz

A Girl with braids
Silvia Török

A Witch
Tatiana Sessler-Toami

Toni / The first Gravedigger / A neighbor
Yannick Becker

The Veterinary / The Organ Treadler/ The Postman / The second Gravedigger
Rareș Hontzu

The Pastor / The soldier
Boris Gaza

Ștefan Bogdan (a.G.)

The Teacher / A Neighbor
Isolde Cobeţ

A Bathing Whore
Olga Török

The Neighbors / The Schoolgirls
Dana Borteanu

The Neighbors / The schoolgirls
Aida Olaru

The Neighbors / The Schoolgirls
Alma Diaconu

A neighbor
Richard Hladik

Stage orchestra:
 Ioan Varadi - percussion; Aurel Pișleagă - trumpet; Sorin Steia - accordion; Emil Zău - trumpet; Bogdan Mihalache - tuba
Appearances in movie scenes:

The third Gravedigger: Josef Kradi (a.G.)
Kathi: Teodora Dan (a.G.)
Lorenz: Thomas Griesbacher (a.G.)
The Business Partner: Emilian Roşculescu (a.G.)

In other roles in movie scenes:
Eva Bancea (a.G.), David Dămăcuș (a.G.), Ema Diaconescu (a.G.), David Săracu (a.G.), Luca Săracu (a.G.), Antonia Șurianu (a.G.)

Stage direction
Niky Wolcz (a.G.)

Stage & Light-Design
Helmut Stürmer (a.G.)

Zsolt Fehérvári (a.G.)

Film direction
Bogdan George Apetri (a.G.)

Assistant director and children care
Isolde Cobeţ

With participation
Ulla Wolcz (a.G.)

Assistant set decorator
Zsolt Fehérvári (a.G.)

Costume assistant
Dana Borteanu

Choreographic advice
Tiberiu Palikucsan (a.G.)

Choreographic and ethnographic advice
Edith Singer (a.G.)

Valerie Seufert (a.G.)

Technical direction
Costinel Stănescu

Bojita Ilici
Adriana Unguraș (a.G.)

Choreography Assistance
Olga Török

New footage for the 2023 film version
Cristian Ienciu

Press excerpts



