Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

The GSTT tour in Germany has ended - 3 sold-out performances in Karlsruhe and Berlin followed by audience discussions and debates

18 June 2024

For one week, from 9 to 15 June 2024, the German Theatre toured Germany with the show Humans. For Sale, written and directed by Carmen Lidia Vidu. For three evenings, the auditoriums of the Badisches Staatstheater in Karlsruhe and the Heimathafen Neukölln in Berlin were full, and the organisers even had to increase the number of seats.

The German Theatre's tour to Germany was funded by the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) Bucharest as part of the CANTEMIR funding programme for international cultural projects.

"We were pleased to see that at the three performances of Humans. For Sale, a production that explores the implications of Europe's largest human trafficking in the 20th century, was attended by Germans in the audience who have been through this painful process, as well as their children, young people in their second or third generation, trying to reconstruct their family roots and the traumas of their parents. The aim of the German State Theatre, among others, has always been to generate a profound dialogue, both to decipher the past and to understand more clearly the political, social and ideological phenomena of the present." said Lucian Vărșăndan, manager of the German State Theatre, about the tour in Germany.

Among those in the Berlin auditorium were Hanni Hüsch, daughter of the German lawyer and politician Dr. Heinz Günther Hüsch - the last negotiator of the Federal Republic of Germany - as well as other witnesses of those times, whose testimonies are part of the documentary production Humans. For sale. After each performance, the audience talked to the actors in the show, as well as to Carmen Lidia Vidu, the director of this production, who was also on tour.

Representing director Carmen Lidia Vidu's second collaboration with GSTT, the performance Humans. For Sale is a documentary theatre project, which, like Romanian Diary. Timișoara, brings together film, theatre and photography.

While official propaganda warns of the "abysses" of the free world, the biggest human trafficking of the 20th century is probably taking place in Romania. Humans. For Sale exposes the trade in ethnic Germans from communist Romania, who between 1969 and 1989 were sold to the Federal Republic of Germany.

It is a show about the disappearance of a community, the efforts its members make to leave the hostile environment in which they live and the demonization of their desire to dare to dream of their future in a freer and more citizen-friendly state.

With: Ioana Iacob, Oana Vidoni, Daniela Török, Alexandru Mihăescu, Harald Weisz, Robert Bogdanov-Schein

Video: Heinz Günther Hüsch, Stelian Octavian Andronic, Johann Schaas, Germina Nagâț, Mădălin Hodor, Hanni Hüsch, Cornel Hüsch

Multimedia: Cristina Baciu (guest) • Costumes and set assistance: Ioana Popescu • Dramaturgy: Rudolf Herbert • Live video and music: Ovidiu Zimcea • Illustrations: Gabriela Schindermann (guest) • Assistant director: Richard Hladik • Make-up: Bojița Ilici - Technical direction: Cătălin Tănase

This project is co-financed by the Romanian Cultural Institute, through the Cantemir Programme - funding programme for cultural projects for the international environment.

The Romanian Cultural Institute is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grantee.

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